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Fluffy banana protein cookies

Fluffy banana protein cookies

Try these fluffy fit banana cookies - high in protein and fiber, without flour and sugar. You can prepare them with any protein powder. They are the perfect filling snack during the day or before/after exercise.

These protein banana cookies are also great for anyone suffering from allergies - they do not contain flour nor nuts and you can replace cow's milk in the recipe with any plant-based variant (oat or coconut milk taste great in the recipe). Thanks to the protein powder, these fit cookies are enriched with protein and taste - choose the protein flavor according to your preferences, but I recommend trying coconut, cocoa, or, for a more neutral taste, vanilla protein. Cookies are additionally sweetened with stevia, but you don't have to use any sweetener at all. Protein powder and bananas take care of the delicate sweetness of these cookies - the riper the bananas are, the sweeter they taste, which applies to the dessert in return as well.

Mix pieces of dark chocolate into the dough and prepare these simple homemade healthy banana cookies. Treat yourself at any time of the day and enjoy cookies even during a weight loss diet - with my fit recipes you can :) If you prepare these cookies for your children, I suggest skipping the protein powder. It is not recommended for children, as they have a lower recommended daily dose of protein, and they can easily get that from a healthy and nutritious diet. In this case you can replace the protein powder with 30 g of pudding powder.



  1. Mash the bananas in a bowl with a fork into a puree.
  2. Add all the wet ingredients to the bananas, mix them, and then add all the dry ingredients. The dough should be stiffer.
  3. Spoon out the dough onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper in the shape of cookies.
  4. Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes at 170 degrees until golden.
Preparation time30 minutes
Yields20 cookies
Nutritional information /
Calories40 Kcal
Carbohydrates5 g
Fiber1 g
Proteins3 g
Fat1 g